This article , On Mars Rover, Tools to Plumb a Methane Mystery discusses a S.U.V.-size rover named Curiosity that carries an instrument that can detect methane in the air, and if it does, it will unleash new excitement about the prospect of life on Mars. Based on evidence there a possibility that life could have arisen on mars before it did on earth. Because Mars is smaller than Earth, it cooled faster, and it probably would have been hospitable for life earlier. However, after a 1976 mission to Mars, soil experiments show that Mars was really most sincerely dead. NASA subsequently played down the notion of life on Mars and instead set out on a methodical campaign to explore the past geology and climate of Mars. Although Mars today looks dead, geological markings like gullies, dry lakebeds and colossal canyons point to a liquid past. Spirit and Opportunity, NASA’s last rovers found evidence of habitable environments in the past. Now, Curiosity will be able to go even further and possibly discover more building blocks of life. However, Curiosity is not going to discover life. Curiosity will not be able to detect life forms even if they are thriving in the soil. This can be very frustrating for some scientists such as Michael A Meyer, NASA’s lead scientist for Mars. Meyer says “I don’t think we’ve put down enough groundwork.” Curiosity may be the last spacecraft landing on Mars for many years. If this is true that would derail the whole search for life, extant or extinct on Mars. Dr. Mumma said. “That would be a disaster.”
The possibility that there was life on Mars before earth leads to an intriguing possibility that pieces of Mars containing microbes were blasted into space by asteroid impacts and later landed on Earth, seeding life here. Meaning, all forms of humanity could all be descendent from Mars. More discoveries by Curiosity could fuel this idea that humanity is descendent from Mars.
I found this article to be very interesting. I liked how in detail it was, but not to wordy. I think many important points were presented in this article. I like how this article makes you think about the possibility of being descendent from Mars. Overall, I think this article was very well written and very interesting.