In the article “Childhood
Obesity Linked To Wide Range Of Health Problems” by Catherine Pearson is about
how our generation could be at risk of getting these major diseases. Its known
to most people that known that childhood
obesity puts kids at greater risk for high blood pressure and
cholesterol, as well as diabetes and cardiovascular issues. A new study done by
Neal Halfon, has found that obesity can also put children at risk for 20 other
surprising health problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
allergies and ear infections. Researchers analyzed data from more than 43,000
children between the ages of 10 and 17 collected in 30-minute phone interviews
as part of the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health. Evidence suggests
that ADHD and obesity may both be due to "toxic stress" in a child's
early years, which affects both impulse control and insensitivity to leptin, a
hormone that helps control appetite. Researchers found ties between obesity and
19 indicators of overall health, psychological and social functioning and
chronic conditions. But while the new research goes a long way in supporting
smaller studies that have tied childhood obesity to other health problems, it
does not establish causality.
bottom line is that this is not just a cosmetic disorder; it affects every
organ in the body. There are physical consequences, and emotional. This talks
about how the children are obese because of their habits. Some can be
reversible, but they do have to be careful of what they do. It’s hard when they
go to school, but as a nation we are going to set up programs that will help
them (the obese). For the children who have been taken to far to turn back
there are plenty of ways to help them. As a nation we must all fight against