Bridget Sands
Mr. Ippolito
Core Bio H
Yale University. "Zika and glaucoma linked for first time in new study." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 30 November 2016.
In the article, “Zika and glaucoma linked for first time in new study”, provided to Science Daily by Yale University, who conducted the study, it is proven that glaucoma is associated with the Zika virus. The Zika virus, carried by mosquitoes, has continued to spread to different countries, showing to be the most prominent in Latin and Southern America. The Zika causes birth defects, including microcephaly, a condition which causes under average head size, and guillain-barrĂ© syndrome, which causes muscle weakness. Now, starting with a discovery made by a team from Yale, the Zika is being linked to causing glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition that causes more pressure onto the eyeballs, which therefore causes blindness that gradually gets worse over time. To prove this, the team headed to Salvador in Northeast Brazil, where they found a boy whose mother had been exposed to the virus while he was in-utero. He initially did not experience any problems after birth, but soon after he started to have pain, swelling, and tearing in his right eye. This discovery sheds lights onto the Zika virus, in which little is known.
The Zika is a very serious problem is the current status of the world and affects thousands worldwide. The Zika has really become a big problem within the last year, not spreading as quickly prior to. It is primarily found in South America, and is transported through a very specific species of mosquito, the Aedes mosquito. When infected, a person may pass the Zika along without safe sex. It mostly affects expecting mothers, for their poor babies are affected with birth defects. Because the Zika is more of a recent problem, doctors and researchers are still working for a huge cure, as well as the specific symptoms that cause the Zika. This is why the discovery of the Yale team, the Zika being associated with glaucoma, will help in the discovery and research of the Zika. It is a milestone that will help them relate it to other diseases, and will help find a treatment. Although it was just proved to have an association with the Zika, glaucoma is commonly found in children suffering from microcephaly, which caused a the team to investigate in the first place. The relevance of this discovery is that it will help in the future of the cure and understatement of the Zika.
This report, written by a team from Yale University, was very well written. It explained the importance of the Zika virus, and the how the discovery of glaucoma will affect its future. It tells of the specific details, and how they diagnosed and treated the three-month old boy. Specifics such as these were strengths of the report. Another strength was the seriousness of the report, and how they put it into perspective. However, there were some weaknesses of the article. The report could be considered too early for publication, for the only one link of Zika and glaucoma was cited and found. This may be to premature, for with only one link there is not a certification that there is a link between the two, more data and evidence is needed. Also, I had to produce further research on the background of the Zika, for it was not provided, such as the other birth defects, and the type of mosquito that is a carrier. To make these weaknesses stronger, the team could’ve waited on the publication of their research, and could’ve expanded their research and background, instead of assuming that the readers would have a basic understanding of the problem.