Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers

By Ralph Chrappa

O'Connor, Anahad. "Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers." New York TImes, 17 July 2012. Web. 08 Sept. 2012. <>.

     In the article “Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers” by Anahad O’Connor, we learn that about one out of every three high school students are either overweight or obese. By walking or biking to school, and playing on a team, children are less likely to be overweight or obese. In a study by the Geisel School of Medicine, it is shown that if all adolescents played on two sports teams per year, then obesity rates would plunge 26 percent. Everyone is supposed to get at about one hour of at least moderate activity, but most people do little of that. Since the regulations for gym class are not that strict, gym is not considered as a way of being active. Dr. William Stratbucker, the medical director of the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Healthy Weight Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan says, “If the parents are enjoying an active lifestyle themselves, that’s modeling behavior that leads to children participating in activity to the levels that that need to be.” He means that if your parents are active daily, they can set as role models to help you be active. “Playing on one sports team is definitely better than playing on zero, but I would say at least two or three is probably ideal.” says Dr. Drake, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Hood Center for Children and Families. Even if you are not the most athletic, you can join intramural or club sports. 
     This article shows that it is not hard to stay fit and active. It is very easy to walk to school  in Bronxville since the town is only one square mile long. So, if you walk to school at least half the time, then you are putting yourself at less of a risk of being overweight. Also, there are many clubs and teams to join at our school that help you become active daily. All of our high school teams meet after school Monday through Friday, which enables everyone on the team to get that hour of moderate to vigorous activity a day. And if you are not the athletic type, you could go for a walk or take a bike ride with your friends. My family is very active. Both my parents run and all of my siblings as well as myself play sports. We realize the importance of an active lifestyle and its effect on obesity. 
     I found this article very interesting because I learned that almost one out of every three high schoolers are overweight or obese. I never though it would be that high. Even though the article is a little long, it is great in giving many examples of how to become fit and not overweight. However, there are other areas of the article that could be improved. Such as, the article does not discuss the importance of diet and nutrition and its relevance on obesity. Perhaps a sample diet could have been included in the article. The article also fails to discuss the link between obesity and genetics. 


  1. My classmate Ralph read an interesting article on how sports promote healthy weight in teenagers. He did a great job explaining what the article was about and I really liked how he gave examples on how teen’s can try and lose weight such as biking or walking to school. I also like that Ralph gave suggestions to teens who are overweight saying that they should not only walk or bike to school but also join a sports team or a club. Ralph also gave a great reflection including his own input about his family and how the article could have been made better.
    This review could have been made better if Ralph told us a little more about the article instead of explaining ways that teens could fix their obesity. I also think Ralph could have improved the article by maybe including more ideas about the research that doctors have done about teen obesity.
    One aspect that impressed me in this article was the fact that one out of every three high schooler's is obese; this surprised me a lot because I didn’t realize the number was so high. Overall I think Ralph did a great job with the article and gave me new knowledge on teen obesity.

  2. My classmate Ralph read an article on obese numbers in high schools in the United States. Ralph talked about the importance of maintaining several sports throughout the school year. The article that he read titled, “Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers” suggested that a student play at least two sports throughout the school year. Even if you aren’t the most athletic person you should try to join a club or sports that don’t have cuts. Another thing that Ralph did well was he connected the article to Bronxville High school. He said that even though it’s a small town, walking to school can still help prevent obesity. One final thing that I am going to point out that Ralph did successfully was start off his reflection with an interesting fact that one in three highschoolers is obese.
    Even though Ralph did a good job, there were still things that he could have improved on. One thing that he could have done better was talk about and quote from the article more. Even though he stated some interesting and important facts he still could have used more information directly from the article. Another thing that Ralph could have done to improve the article would be talk more about how the United States is the most obese country in the world. He could have talked about the nation-wide problem of obesity.
    One thing that he did that I didn’t know about but learned from him was that one in three highschoolers are obese or overweight. This is a surprising and scary statistic for our country. Overall Ralph did a great job on this assignment.

  3. My classmate Ralph wrote a great review on the article "Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers." I likes how Ralph gave specific examples of how teenagers, like ourselves can get in better shape by doing simple things, such as walking to school or joining a sports team. Not to mention, I liked how Ralph included how his family prevents obesity. I also like how Ralph picked and explained an article that teenagers like ourselves can relate to, and then in turn be able to follow some of Ralph's suggestions. To improve on this review Ralph could have included more statistics on teen obesity found in the researchers conclusions. In addition, I would have liked if Ralph included a more detailed summary of the article because I found myself not truly understanding the obesity problem among teenagers. One aspect of this article that really spoke to me was the statistic saying that if every adolescent played on two sports teams a year, obesity would plunge by 26%. All in all, I think Ralph did an outstanding job with this review

  4. My classmate Ralph wrote a good review on a topic that is becoming more and more serious in the United States. Ralph read an article “Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers”, and also wrote a review. I thought that Ralph really did a great job on this article, and did a great job informing the reader, on the main points. I like how Ralph used not only the examples from the article, but also examples that people in Bronxville can use. For example, Ralph talks about how teens can walk to school, since the town is so small. Another thing that I enjoyed about Ralph’s review was the way he presented the article. He made me want to keep reading his review, and I especially like the way he used quotes from the article. I thought the review flowed very nicely. A couple of ways that I thought Ralph could have improved were that he did not give enough of a summary. He informed the reader of the major facts, but did not explain the whole article; he could have included more information. I also think Ralph could have talked more about avoiding obesity in Bronxville, even though he did touch on it, I thought he could have written more about it. The thing that I found so surprising about this article was the fact that even the government has identified obesity as a major problem, and created a program to boost adolescent exercise. This program was given one hundred million dollars; this tells you that the government is trying to help with obesity. I really though Ralph did a great job in writing this review, and you could tell he really worked hard, and familiarized himself about obesity before writing this article.

  5. Ralph did a great job in analyzing his article entitled “Sports promote healthy weight in teenagers” and it was quite the interesting read as well. One well presented factor in this article was that he used walking to our school as an example since we have a relatively small town and walking to school really is not a big deal and indeed helps to stay fit. Also bringing good information that I never would have guessed and intertwining them well in his review helped me as a reader get a better understanding. Mentioning that one in three high school students are overweight or obese is a good example of this. Another aspect that I found particularly good was that he included a quote that gave a lot of information on understanding a parents role in this topic. To finalize the aspects of the review he gave some great tips that the article should have used to be more incite full on the topic. The review could have even been made better if more quotes were used instead of just one and he could have made a more official and intriguing ending to his review. Overall he did a decent job in discussing the articles importance and relationship to today’s society and used some key point aspects to ever more improve his article.

  6. Ralph wrote a fantastic review on the article ““Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers.” In his reviewed I enjoyed how he spoke about how much a parent has an impact on their kids life. If the child’s parents are healthy and participate in activities it promotes the child to also be healthy and stay active. Another thing Ralph did well was that he gave examples of how kids could become active, such as playing school sports, walking, and biking. In addition, I enjoyed that Ralph gave information about his own family and how they stays active.
    Even though Ralph wrote a good review, he could have made improvements to it. For instance, the summary he gave us on the article was somewhat short and would have been better if he told us a little more about the article. Furthermore it would have been nice if we had received little more statistics on obesity and how it was affecting the United States and the entire world.
    What really impressed me about this review was that Ralph chose such an interesting topic that most people don’t hear too much about in the news. Also when reading the review I could tell that Ralph was really fascinated by this problem and had even came up with his own ideas about how kids in Bronxville who don’t play sports could stay in shape.

  7. I read Ralph Chrappa’s article on how sports affect the weight of teens in today’s world. He did a fantastic job giving strong examples from the article. For instance, how teen’s can try and lose weight by just biking or walking to school. Also I liked how Ralph proposed to teens that are overweight not only to walk or bike to school but also join a sports team or a club in order to get exercise. I liked how Ralph gave a great reflection involving his own ideas and also involving his family.
    I believe that Ralph’s review could have been improved if Ralph incorporated a little more about the article rather than explaining ways that teens could fix their obesity. I also think Ralph could have improved the article by including more ideas about the research that doctors have done about teen obesity.
    One aspect that impressed me in this article was the fact that one out of every three high school students is obese. This was surprising to me because I didn’t realize the number was so high. Overall I think Ralph did a fantastic job on this review and it really opened my eyes to see how other schools and the students in them are treating obesity.

  8. My classmate, Ralph Chrappa read the article, “Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers” by Anahad O’Connor. Ralph presented that the idea that physical activities in Bronxville are very simple. He gave multiple examples, which proved that staying active is simple. A second well-presented aspect in his response was that active parents are great roll models. With this information, Ralph talked about his family and how each member says active in a sport. Another well presented aspect was that the whole response kept on circling back to the idea of how easy everything was. With the multiple ways to stay active, it reassured anybody reading that they can stay fit.
    There was almost nothing wrong with Ralph’s response in my opinion. If I had to give two areas to improve on they would be very minor. The first area would be to explain more with the doctor’s quotes. If there was a sentence or two after each one, they would make more sense to the reader. A second idea he could have added some words to would be the ability to be active in other places. Maybe if Ralph gave some examples for kids in the city, the response could be even more helpful.
    One aspect that I was impressed about was the opening fact. One out of every three high school students is obese. This fact shocked me and really made me think. In the end, Ralph did a fantastic job. Congratulations Ralph!

  9. .

    I read Ralph Chrappa's review on the article, "Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers" by Anahad O'Connor. Ralph gave a brief summary of the article and explained that one out of every three high school students are either overweight or obese. In the article, it was shown in a study by the Geisel School of Medicine that if teenagers played on two sports teams a year, obesity rates would drop 26 percent. Ralph talked about how everyone is supposed to get about one hour of moderate activity and that it is not hard to stay active. He explained how it is easy to walk to school since Bronxville is such a small town. He also talked about how his family is very active so they realize the importance of staying active.

    I thought Ralph's review was very good and only needed minor fixes. For example, he could have explained the study further. Also Ralph could have added more quotes with an explanation after them so the reader would have a better understanding. Overall, Ralph did a great job explaining the article he read.

    While reading this article I was very surprised to find out that one out of every three high school students are either obese or overweight. I didn't realize it was so high! I choose this article to comment on because obesity is becoming a problem all over the world and there are very simple ways to stay fit and active. After reading this article, I will make sure to keep playing sports and try to walk to school sometimes to continue to stay healthy and active.
