Saturday, December 1, 2012

Too little money, too much borrowing,_too_much_borrowing
            The article “Too little money, too much borrowing” explains why so-called “poor” people might make decisions based on short-term needs more than long-term ones. There was a study where “poor” people were put against “rich” ones, and they had to play a game where there was very scarce time. “Poor” people did worse in this game. In the next game, people were allowed to borrow time, but they would have less time later on. The “poor” people’s scores decreased this time, while the “rich” people’s scores stayed the same. This suggests that scarcity focuses the mind on immediate concerns and discourages taking a broader perspective. The “poor” people did worse in these games because they were focusing mostly on the immediate effects of their choices, rather than the long-term ones.
            This article can change many things in the modern world. With this knowledge, the so-called poor people can realize that their scarcity makes them less likely to make decisions that take long-term results into account. Then the “poor” can learn to make more long-term decisions, and that will be very beneficial to many people.
            There were a few things that I thought the article did not do very well. One of these is that nowhere in the article did the author of the article state who did this study. There were also a few grammatical errors that I noticed while reading the article. A third thing that I did not like about the article was it did not bother to say what criteria they had for someone being “poor” or “rich”. 

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