Griffin Patterson May 23rd 2019
Biology Current Event 13
Chodosh, Sara. “A Bad Diet Really Can Raise Your Risk of Cancer. Here's How.” Popular Science, 22 May 2019,
For Current event 13 I chose to read “A bad diet really can raise your risk of cancer. Here's how” by Sara Chodosh. This review was about how bad diets can affect you later life and eventually cause cancer. In This article, the beginning was very strong when the author said “However much we might like to believe that a detox tea or a super-berry will prevent us from getting cancer, the truth is a more bitter pill: anyone can get cancer no matter what kind of lifestyle they follow, but eating healthy foods and exercising regularly is the best way to lower your risk. This shows the reader and really made me jump because cancer is a growing disease in this world and the fact that it can come into your life that quick really shocked me. Anyways in this article the author talked about the statistics of cancer and how often people really get it. “Roughly two out of every five cancer cases in America are preventable by a modifiable risk factor, from alcohol consumption to physical inactivity and, of course, cigarette smoking. That’s more than 659,000 cases annually. Of those, a new study in the journal JNCI Cancer Spectrum estimates that more than 80,000 (at least in 2015) were attributable to suboptimal diet. Yes, 80,000 people a year get cancer because of not eating healthy. Overall, things such as dairy products, whole grains and even red meats can give u cancer.
This study was very interesting and eye opening to me because it showed me, how even a bad diet can cause such a life threatening disease to come into your life. For example, when the author said “And yet the truth is that just as many cancer cases are caused by poor diet as by drinking alcohol, and even more are tied to the excess body weight that comes with eating that poor diet”. This really opened my eyes to how bad cancer is and how often and easily you can get it.
I think this article was a very good read and the author really got her point across well. The author did a great job persuading me to how bad cancer is and how a bad diet can cause it. The author also ended the article very well with a tip for not getting cancer. She said “And while cutting down on sugar and upping fiber intake isn't a magical cancer prevention method, good nutrition definitely won't do you any harm. The author really helps the reader recognize that good nutrition can really help a person in life, not only for there bodies but for not getting cancer as well.
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