Sunday, April 16, 2017

Plumes From Saturn’s Moon Enceladus Hint That It Could Support Life

Catherine Faville
Mr. Ippolito
Bio H

This week I read the article Plumes From Saturn’s Moon Enceladus Hint That It Could Support Life written by kenneth Chang, in this article he discusses that it could be possible for icy moons, such as Saturn’s enceladus, be able to hold lifeforms. After analyzing the small moons, scientist have inferred that there are hydrothermal chemical reactions that are very similar to that of the Earth's oceans. With these hydrothermal parts of the ocean, brings a lot of life, this discovery was accomplished from the cassini that has been orbiting saturn for thirteen years, the cassini also discovered a imbalance of hydrogen and carbon dioxide, meaning that organisms could potentially use this energy source as a way to get food.

This article is helpful to society because with a new discovery of life would enable scientists to further investigate, and by chance use these new found life forms  as a way to compare the lifeforms on earth to that of other planets of moons, in order discover how organisms work and how they form.  It would also be effective on opening up the idea to people that life on other planets is a definite possibility.

The information given in the article was very descriptive as to what the cassini has found on saturn, and how scientist used this data to create a theory as to if life could be obtained on the planets moons. The author also did a great job of going into extreme depths as to how life could possible use these chemical reactions as away thrive. However, the author did not do a good job of describing if other icy moons could have the same chemicals on saturn's moon, that could make life possible. Also he should have went into better detail as to what a moons plume is, it would have made the article much more efficient as to putting its idea out.

1 comment:

  1. Bailey Barton
    Mr. Ippolito
    April 17, 2017

    Faville, Catherine. Bronxville HS Core Biology. N.p., 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 17 Apr. 2017

    I recently read Catherine Faville’s review on “Plumes from Saturn’s moon Enceladus hint that it could support life”. I chose to comment on this review because I found the topic of discussion regarding planets supporting life very interesting. The article informs that there is in fact a possibility for icy moons like Enceladus to hold life forms. I found that Catherine discussed the main aspects of the article well by stating the topic, possible life form on icy moons, then follows with the evidence found to support the theory. She gave information on how the scientists depicted the evidence as well. In addition to reporting the evidence, she stated it’s importance to the reader and society as we make these groundbreaking discoveries.
    Some improvements I would like to see is some information on scientist’s future plans regarding this project and how they will progress to find new location for life. Another improvement, given the detail in the article, maybe to incorporate some into the review. Other than these minor issues the article review was good.
    I enjoyed reading this article and I was very intrigued at the study to find moons with the capability to hold life form. I was very interested in the stated evidence that our earth’s oceans contain similar reactions to the hydrothermal chemical reactions which take place on the analyzed small moons, which as far as I understand is an indicator of life supporting features.
