Saturday, December 17, 2011

No Acid Burn for Naked Mole Rats

     It was found last year that naked mole rats are impervious to the sting of acid. They took a closer look at the naked mole rats acid sensors in Berlin at a science lab and discovered that all of them are working perfectly fine, its just that inside these receptors a protein responsible for relaying the message about the acid’s presence to the nervous system. Researchers are looking into this discovery because it might lead get drugs that can target pain that is directly associated with inflammation. Mole rats live in large social groups in burrows underground, and in these confined conditions carbon dioxide levels ruse as high as 8 to 10 percent higher in the air and these levels are know to make body tissues acidic. So since they have to live here their bodies have developed a way of blocking out acidic pain so they could survive down there. They looked inside these cells and they found out the reason a mole rat can take the pain of acids is because although their cells feel the acid there is a special protein called a sodium channel that takes in the acid and blocks of the message it sends to the nervous system. When the researchers engineered human cells with the naked mole rats version of the sodium channel the cells responded in a similar way by blocking out the message of the presence of the acid. Researches are now trying to see if they could create a painkiller that makes these proteins so that people wont feel the pain of inflammation.
      The discovery is very important because with this discovery of the naked mole rats ability to block acidic pain, we as people can create a pill that would make cells make this protein that way people will no longer have to suffer from chronic inflammation pain and be a huge step in medicine.
      I think this article is very surprising because I could not believe that cells would be able to block out pain messages from being sent to the nervous system naturally. I also think its very interesting that researchers can actually modify cells so they naturally do things how other cells would, like how they were able to make human cells block acids like the mole rat cells.

Posted for S. Walsh

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Opioid Abuse Linked to Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Opioids such as oxycontin, are usually a common and effective treatment for chronic and acute pain. However, recently, non-medical use of prescription opioids has increased drastically and according to the Susbstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, prescription opioids are the second most frequently used illegal drug in the U.S. New studies led by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have found that mood and anxiety disorders are highly associated with non-medical prescription opioid use, such as oxycontin. As the studies have shown, prescription opioids are highly addictive and prolonged use of these opioids can produce neurological changes and physiological dependence. Therefore, many individuals suffering from mood and anxiety disorders such as bipolar, panic disorder, and major depressive disorder are highly likely to abuse opioids. During the researchers studies, they examined the association between individuals with mood and anxiety disorders with non-medical prescription opiod use and opioid disorder.

This new study that opioid abuse could be linked to mood and anxiety disorders, affects humanity and the lives of the future. If the government doesn’t get involved with the abuse of illegal opioids and regulate the amounts people take of opioid drugs, further diseases will emerge and many people may possibly die as a result of this. Especially with the increased use of non-medical prescription drugs, even among adolescents, the association with future psychopathology is in great concern. As Carla Storr, ScD, author of the study and an adjunct professor with the Bloomberg School’s Department of Mental Health says, “ Using opioids, or even withdrawal from opioids, might precipitate anxiety disorders, suggesting that there is a subgroup of people who are vulnerable to future development of anxiety disorders."

I found this article to be very interesting and intriguing even though at times it was confusing. I think that learning about the seriousness of these opioid drugs, that aren’t even mentioned that often, and the effect that they have on people and could have on future lives, is very fascinating. I also found it very interesting that opioids are the second most frequently abused drugs in the U.S. after marijuana because such little is heard about these drugs, and the effect on people is so vital effect that it made this article that much more interesting. Overall, I thought this was a wonderful article, and would love to learn in more depth about why opioids are so addictive.

Next Big Bet for Space: Airborne Rocket Launcher

     Paul G. Allen, one of the richest men in the world and co-founder of Microsoft, plans to announce that he is entering the rocket business by building the biggest airplane ever. This plane is not only going to be bigger than the double-decker airbus A380, it is also going to launch a rocket to orbit at 30,000 feet. They hope this plane will begin flying in five years, first taking satellites, and eventually people into orbit. Space Exploration Technologies Corp. will be building the rockets that Stratolaunch will be launching. The plane’s wings will stretch 385 feet, which is longer than a football field. Scaled Composites, which is the company building the airplane is only designing and building its frame. Other components like engines will be searched from second-hand 747s. Mr. Wentz said that he predicts that there is going to be a clear opportunity for 8 – 10 launches a year.
     I found this article very interesting. For me, the double-decker Airbus A380 is already huge and it is hard for me to imagine something bigger. Also the fact that in about 5 years people will have the opportunity to orbit around the world amazes me. I think this was the main reason why I chose this article. It astonishes me that people just keep on coming with bigger airplanes. Except, this one will also launch rockets like no other.
     The information in the article is very fascinating to read, but I found it hard to understand the article completely. I didn’t like that the article included a lot of names because I got confused at certain times as to who achieved what and to who built what. I also felt that the article got repetitive at times. I think they focused too much on the airplane’s mass instead of its use and purpose to science and us.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Extremely Mobile Devices

This article is very interesting. It describes the advancements made by different car manufacturers in Silicon Valley, such as the ability for the car to drive itself, assist with daily tasks, and know your personal habits. This is due to the ever-increasing amount of technology placed in cars. One engineer predicts that by 2030 we will be able to be called to pick someone airport and completely drive itself. This article showed the many revolutionary technologies that are being designed for future cars, as well as ones in the present.

Despite the interesting topic of the article, it was a pretty dull read. There were a lot of technological terms used in the article that I didn’t understand, and had to look up just to figure out the general meaning of the article. Also, I would have liked for there to have been more information about concept cars as opposed to cars that have already been produced that have a few technological innovations.

Overall, I found this article to be very interesting, as it holds a great deal of relevance to our future lives. These cars in production will be the cars that we will be driving in the upcoming years, and by the time we’re in our thirties, cars that drive themselves everywhere will likely be very common.

posted for N. Kister

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Possible Earth-like Planet Discovered

Recently the practice of searching the galaxy for radio signals using radio telescopes in the hopes of finding extraterrestrial civilizations has resumed. These radio telescopes, better known as the Allen Telescope Array, have begun to be used again in after NASA’s Kepler satellite found a habitable, Earth-like planet 600 light years away. The planet, named Kepler 22b is 2.4 times the size of Earth and has an orbit around its sun, which is about the same size as our sun, of 290 days. The temperature on the surface of the planet is 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Although Kepler 22b shares many of Earth’s characteristics, it is unknown whether it has an atmosphere, or what it could be made out of. These are two important factors in deciding whether life is sustainable on Kepler 22b.
I think the discover of Kepler 22b will launch a renewed interest in exploring space to find extraterrestrial life. For years, we have always believed that out of all the solar systems and planets in the universe, there has to be at least one planet similar to Earth. Kepler 22b is that planet that is similar to Earth and it possibly has the characteristics to support life. Although getting to Kepler 22b will be very difficult, maybe a space race will lead to the development of new technologies that will make traveling the distance of 600 light years a breeze. Maybe humans will extend their reach beyond Earth, defying the laws of physics that state nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. But right now, reaching Kepler 22b is more of a fantasy than a possibility.
I think this article could have gone into better description of what kind of atmosphere and surface composition would be needed to support life. Would there need to be an atmosphere similar to Earth’s and what kind of elements would have to make up the surface of Kepler 22b to make it habitable.

Ned Kister

Grizzly Bears Move Into Polar Bear Habitat in Manitoba, Canada

In this article, “Grizzly Bears Move Into Polar Bear Habitat in Manitoba, Canada”, it explained how biologists worked along side of the American Museum of Natural History and City College University of New York to find that grizzly bears were roaming into what was known as polar bear territory. Grizzly bears were officially listed as extirpated, to root out and destroy completely, from Manitoba. Grizzly bears were recently photographed in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada. Research was taken and Robert F. Rockwell stated that the grizzly bears were competition to polar bears living in the area.

As they flew over Wapusk they spotted several grizzlies. There was absolutely no trace of grizzlies living in the area before 1996. However they were spotted on several occasions 1996 and 2008.An additional three grizzlies were spotted in the summer of 2009. The sightings were increasing and Gormezano, another researcher, feared for the polar bears because the grizzly bears would most likely hibernate in polar bear maternity denning habitat. The researchers were afraid that the grizzly bears would come out of hibernation and kill the polar cubs making it hard for the population of polar bears to survive.

The researchers attempted to discover how the grizzly bears came over to the polar bears territory. The polar bears lived on the barren landscape north of the Hudson Day but there was an impassable gab for potentially migrating grizzly bears. The grizzly bears lived in the ranges of the Rockies, the Yukon, and Nunavut. The grizzly bears had a large flexibility in their diets. Gormezano uncovered that “In Canada, both the polar and grizzly bear are federally listed as species of special concern. In Manitoba, the polar bear is provincially listed as threatened while the prairie population of the grizzly bear is listed as extirpated.”

Posted for P. Meade

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Drug That Wakes the Nearly Dead

There have been many times where parents, relatives, and friends have to choose between the life and death of someone they love in the case of an accident that leaves the victim either brain dead or on a ventilator. However, a pharmaceutical sleeping medication called Ambien along with many other sleeping medications have been in the spotlight since it has a surprising effect- it can literally wake the dead.

Since the first case in 1999, there have been reports on how sleeping medications can be the deciding factor between life and the state of vegetation. However, the seemingly magical effects of these drugs will only appeal to a mere 10% of the people in need as scientists at Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute and at the University of Pennsylvania, both in the Philadelphia area, began the first large-scale clinical study of zolpidem as a treatment for disorders of consciousness. With these kinds of tests, the question remains- what do these bizarre happenings tell us about the brains ability to heal?

These drugs have not proved a full regain of conscience, but have put the patients in a state of minimal conscience where the patient is able to communicate with eye blinks, finger wiggles, and slight movements of the hands. These progressions though give family and friends false hope on the condition of the patient, often getting their hopes and expectations up. Most people living in minimal conscience end up in nursing home care, unable to communicate further. But in general, these sleeping drugs have given rise to the study of how the brain Is able to heal after being though traumatic shock, opening up many doors of research

Sunday, November 27, 2011

On Mars Rover, Tools to Plumb a Methane Mystery

This article , On Mars Rover, Tools to Plumb a Methane Mystery discusses a S.U.V.-size rover named Curiosity that carries an instrument that can detect methane in the air, and if it does, it will unleash new excitement about the prospect of life on Mars. Based on evidence there a possibility that life could have arisen on mars before it did on earth. Because Mars is smaller than Earth, it cooled faster, and it probably would have been hospitable for life earlier. However, after a 1976 mission to Mars, soil experiments show that Mars was really most sincerely dead. NASA subsequently played down the notion of life on Mars and instead set out on a methodical campaign to explore the past geology and climate of Mars. Although Mars today looks dead, geological markings like gullies, dry lakebeds and colossal canyons point to a liquid past. Spirit and Opportunity, NASA’s last rovers found evidence of habitable environments in the past. Now, Curiosity will be able to go even further and possibly discover more building blocks of life. However, Curiosity is not going to discover life. Curiosity will not be able to detect life forms even if they are thriving in the soil. This can be very frustrating for some scientists such as Michael A Meyer, NASA’s lead scientist for Mars. Meyer says “I don’t think we’ve put down enough groundwork.” Curiosity may be the last spacecraft landing on Mars for many years. If this is true that would derail the whole search for life, extant or extinct on Mars. Dr. Mumma said. “That would be a disaster.”

The possibility that there was life on Mars before earth leads to an intriguing possibility that pieces of Mars containing microbes were blasted into space by asteroid impacts and later landed on Earth, seeding life here. Meaning, all forms of humanity could all be descendent from Mars. More discoveries by Curiosity could fuel this idea that humanity is descendent from Mars.

I found this article to be very interesting. I liked how in detail it was, but not to wordy. I think many important points were presented in this article. I like how this article makes you think about the possibility of being descendent from Mars. Overall, I think this article was very well written and very interesting.

NASA Launches Sophisticated Rover on Journey to Mars

On saturday, the world's biggest extraterrestrial explorer, known as Curiosity, was launched on an eight and a half month voyage to Mars.  Its purpose is to explore the planet's surface in order to find evidence that would prove that Mars was once home to microscopic life.  The Curiosity weighs one ton and consists of ten scientific tools that will sample Martian soil and rocks.  The rover also holds a drill and a stone zapping laser.  The rover has no actual life detectors on it because its true purpose is to find organic compounds that would once have been able to sustain life.  The Curiosity has a radiation detector and a weather station, to test whether it would be safe for astronauts to land on the planet one day.  The Curiosity is set to land next August, using a jet pack and tether system, which will be much more accurate then the previous air bag system.  The rover will spend two years roaming the planet, and it is predicted to be the most successful of all of NASA's missions to Mars so far.          

If Curiosity is able to successfully land on Mars, it will have a great impact on humanity.  It may be able to discover the first evidence of extraterrestrial life in history.  Curiosity will test the radiation levels and the weather on Mars, which could lead to NASA finally landing a human on Mars, if the conditions are suitable.  Curiosity will help NASA to make discoveries that will completely change the way we look at other planets, and could eventually lead to even greater discoveries.       

I thought this article was very interesting.  It went into a lot of detail about the rover and how it works, which really helped me to see the importance of this mission.  I also like how it gave exact dates and time periods as to when it took off, when it will land, and how long it will be on Mars.  I think the article could have gone into a little more detail about the evidence that the rover will be looking for.  I also would have liked it if the article had given some more quotes form different people who had worked with this mission.  Overall, i found the article very intriguing, and I had no idea NASA was so close to making such amazing  discoveries.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ancient Shark Attack Preserved in Whale Bone

Ancient Shark Attack Preserved in Whale Bone

My article suggests that sharks and whales at one time were very aggressive towards each other. In South Carolina a whale rib was found, it offers a glimpse on the interaction between prehistoric sharks and whales about 3 to 4 million years ago. On the link below the article will show a picture of a whale rib, that was severely bitten by a shark. The rib is bitten in 3 places, only a strong jawed animal could do that. Experts measure 6 centimeters from each tooth mark and conclude that the whale was most likely bitten by a Megalodon or any other large shark 3 to 4 million years ago. The whale found in North Carolina seems to be an ancestor of the pacific blue humpback whale. Scientists figured out the whale survived the attack but died 6 weeks later from disease.

If this article could have had images of the giant whale or shark at the time it would have been easier and maybe more enjoyable. Also this article could of had more facts on the interactions between sharks and whales that would have been nice. I felt that the author kept going on and on about the certain whale that was bitten I believe he should of focused on the areas these interactions were taken place and maybe why the shark attacked the whale and maybe it was because the whale wondered near its territory. The author left many questions unanswered.

This article was very interesting it grasped me unlike the rest of the articles out there. I enjoyed how this article had many of the experts opinions and the experts ideas. This article shows us the inside relationship of prehistoric dinosaurs it only leads me to wonder what other interactions other sea creatures could have had.

Ancient Shark Attack Preserved in Whale Bone

Ancient Shark Attack Preserved in Whale Bone
My article suggests that sharks and whales at one time were very aggressive towards each other. In South Carolina a whale rib was found, it offers a glimpse on the interaction between prehistoric sharks and whales about 3 to 4 million years ago. On the link below the article will show a picture of a whale rib, that was severely bitten by a shark. The rib is bitten in 3 places, only a strong jawed animal could do that. Experts measure 6 centimeters from each tooth mark and conclude that the whale was most likely bitten by a Megalodon or any other large shark 3 to 4 million years ago. The whale found in North Carolina seems to be an ancestor of the pacific blue humpback whale. Scientists figured out the whale survived the attack but died 6 weeks later from disease.
If this article could have had images of the giant whale or shark at the time it would have been easier and maybe more enjoyable. Also this article could of had more facts on the interactions between sharks and whales that would have been nice. I felt that the author kept going on and on about the certain whale that was bitten I believe he should of focused on the areas these interactions were taken place and maybe why the shark attacked the whale and maybe it was because the whale wondered near its territory. The author left many questions unanswered.
This article was very interesting it grasped me unlike the rest of the articles out there. I enjoyed how this article had many of the experts opinions and the experts ideas. This article shows us the inside relationship of prehistoric dinosaurs it only leads me to wonder what other interactions other sea creatures could have had.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cell Organelle Presentations and 3D Models

Mitochondrion Model by P. Bisconti, D. Borcich, A. Falcon
  Mitochondria Project by P. Bisconti, D. Borcich, A. Falcon
Plasmids and Vacuoles by K. Monaco, G. Yienger

Plasmids and Vacuoles by K. Monaco, G. Yienger
 Vacuoles and Plasmids by K. Monaco, G. Yienger
Cell Membrane and Cell Wall Model by J. Bothwell and E. Kister
  Biology Cell Wall and Membrane by J. Bothwell and E. Kister
Endoplasmic Reticulum by T. Diaz, O. Hayes, M. Lewis
  Endoplasmic Reticulum and Ribsomes by T. Diaz, O. Hayes, M. Lewis

Nucleus by T. Bremar, P. Meade, S. Walsh

Nucleus Project by T. Bremar, P. Meade, S. Walsh
Cytoplasm by C. Cory, L. Sapon
Cytoplasm Cytoskeleton by C. Cory, L. Sapon

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Enzyme Catalysis Inquiry Lab

The core biology students were shown how to assay the rate of reaction for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen by the enzyme catalase. They then designed their own experiments to see what factors might influence that rate of reaction.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Purging Cells in Mice Is Found to Combat Aging Ills

          Recently, researchers discovered a special category of cells, known as senescent cells. These cells promote the aging of tissues. They hope that by cleansing the body of the cells, they could postpone many of the diseases of aging. Scientists performed a couple of experiments, but many more will be needed before they know if drugs can be developed to help people live longer. They found that senescent cells accumulate, and therefore speed up the aging of tissues. A research team led by Darren J. Baker and Jan M. van Deursen at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., has generated a strain of mouse and performed two experiments on them. In the first experiment, the mice received a drug that forced the cells to self-destruct. The mice’s tissues showed a major improvement in the usual problem of age-related disorders and the mice retained the fat layers in the skin that usually thin out with age and cause wrinkling in people. Dr. van Deursen’s work is the first to show that removing senescent cells is beneficial. The discovery that senescent cells seem to be the cause of tissue degeneration opens out a new direction for researchers on aging to explore. In a second experiment, the mice were not given the cell-cleaning drug until they were middle-aged, however, aging was still delayed in their fat and muscle tissues. Dr. Campisi of the Buck Institute, said that the purpose of the research was not to make people live a thousand years, but to increase health span.
          I believe that this article affects us greatly. The discovery of these cells and there use is a big achievement. This finding may be the result of people living a healthier and longer life. Another benefit would be that people would still look young at an older age. If scientists develop a drug to get rid of these senescent cells, humanity will be greatly affected by it and the further generations will adapt better traits.
          I found this article very interesting to read. I think that this is a helpful and amazing discovery because; the development of a drug would lead to a beneficial life for everyone. I think it would also eliminate women’s’ use of botox, because it would have a similar affect, but in a healthier way.
 posted for Joanna Rymarowicz

Dino-Era Disaster: Multiple Drowned toothy Birds

According to MSNBC’s article, there were a group of birds that settled near a large river in Transylvania during the Mesozoic era. These birds lived next to the river for some time, until the river flooding drowned them out. The birds then died and fossilized. What only remained were some broken eggshells and fossils. This gives scientists more information than most would think. This can tell scientists that the water was only a few feet above where it would normally be, and came in, swept up the eggshells and a few adult fossils and dragged them out to a shallow depression, possibly on the other side of the body of water.

     I think the article could have been improved by adding more information about the birds themselves. The reader is given very little information about what the fossils have told us about the birds. Another thing I think would have made the article better is giving the reader more necessary information and prioritizing. The reader reads all about how the water moved the fossils, but not about where this location is (more specifics needed) and what genus, species, or even family these birds were from.

     Overall I though the article was very interesting and gave the reader important information about an extremely new discovery. The reader was informed on all the important information and made it clear and easy to grasp as a concept.

Dino-Era Disaster: Multiple Drowned toothy Birds

posted for L. Sapon

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Purging Cells in Mice Is Found to Combat Aging Ills

          Recently, scientists have discovered that there is a type of cell that are called senescent cells, and are bad cells that participate in the aging of the tissues. Scientists are trying to determine if there is a drug that will be able to stop these cells so that people will age less and the tissue will be able to continue being healthy. Seeing if the drug will make people live longer is something that must be tested and is highly unlikely. In order to continue out some of the experiments a research team led by Darren J. Baker and Jan M. van Deursen at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., has generated a strain of mouse in which all the senescent cells can be purged by giving the mice a drug that forces the cells to self-destruct. Researchers reported online Wednesday in the journal Nature, the mice’s tissues showed a major improvement in the usual burden of age-related disorders. They did not develop cataracts, avoided the usual wasting of muscle with age, and could exercise much longer on a mouse treadmill. They retained the fat layers in the skin that usually thin out with age and, in people, cause wrinkling.
           I thought that this article could have improved by first letting us know the mice’s condition with aging. Learning more about the mice’s precondition would’ve helped me get a better perspective of how the mice respond to the tests. I also would’ve liked to have more information on the drug that is being tested to help with the aging tissue. I think that if we were able to know what effects the drug have and how long the process usually takes. Unfortunately the facts aren’t available to readers due to the fact that tests have not yet been completed.
           I overall thought that this article was extremely interesting. I thought that it was an awesome fact that scientists are working on preventing old age and keeping aging tissues. I also thought that the results of the mice was a remarkable discovery and I look forward to hearing about what effects this drug will have on people themselves. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Global Warming:
          This article gives us an insight on what global warming is doing to our planet. In this article, the author speaks about how global warming is preventable because it is the men and women of society creating global warming by burning forests and creating greenhouse gases. Specific study was done on Cancun, Mexico to test the global warming issues on climate change. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is a group of people working to reduce the global warming. With the auspices, or the help of, the UNFCCC, in Cancun they are measuring the temperature change and working on the impact on the warming of the planet. The international debate is struggling with the difference between rich and poorer countries over who is going to pay to try and fix this global issue.
           The scientists studying global warming record temperatures consecutively to measure the change in temperature for a specific place. When the scientists recognize the global warming change in temperature they try to conclude what is causing this change. When they figure out what the problem is they talk the UNFCCC and the people of the community with global warming and tries to make a difference. Many people and their habitats are affected by global warming and it was important that people learn how to prevent this horrible climate changing issue. That is why many articles have been presented explaining what we can do to prevent the large amounts of pollution throughout the societies.
          Our current president, Barrack Obama promised as a candidate to have the United States put on a path to recognize the climate change by reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas pollutants. However when Obama presented to the issue of climate change to the congress they failed to act upon the major issue. When Obama rejected a proposed rule that the E.P.A. or the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States of America, that would have reduced a large amount of the ozone pollution. He rejected the proposal because it would cause an extreme burden on the industry and local governments in a time of economical distress.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Breakthrough: A robot brain implanted in a rodent

          I found the article Breakthrough: A robot brain implanted in a rodent, to be very interesting. Scientist Matti Mintz, of Tel Aviv University, has recently used technology to implant a robotic cerebellum, a part of the brain that is responsible for movement, into the skull of rodents with brain damage. This allowed the rodent to gain back ability for movement. This cyborg cerebellum consists of a computer chip that is electrically wired into the rat’s brain with electrodes. The chip was then programmed to take in sensory information from the body, interpret it, and communicate messages back out to the brain stem and as well as the rest of the body. Matti says, “It’s proof of the concept that we can record information from the brain, analyze it in a way similar to the biological network, and then return it to the brain”.
          The information that is retained in this article affects humanity in general. The ability to now reactivate and restore a part of the brain will in the future make it possible to prolong and preserve many lives. This new outbreak could alter the future of medicine and lead to many new inventions to help humanity. This new breakthrough may be able to save cancer patients and others who have lost parts of their brain in serious accidents.
          I believe this article was very well written; it had all the main ideas captured to understand the concept of this new breakthrough. The article did so in a very simplistic way so that no background knowledge was necessary before reading the article. Although it would have been nice to have some sort of knowledge on how it led them to this discovery and more about what it will do the medicinal technology in the upcoming years, it was a very good article. Maybe this new breakthrough will lead us the answer to cancer.