Friday, September 14, 2018

Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East Coast

Isabelle Beit
Biology C-Odd
Current Events #1

Hartung, Kaylee. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East
Coast.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Sept. 2018,

For this current events, I read the article, "Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee Us East Coast." This article discusses the monster storm that is currently barring down the Carolinas. The storm is considered one of the strongest to slam into the East Coast in decades. It is a Category 4 hurricane and officials have issued a warning for more that 300 miles of the coastline. The latest development is that the storm is going to continue, moving slowly inland. At this point in time, states of emergency were declared in the Carolinas, Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland. This article is mainly about the mandatory evacuations occurring and the horrible effects on residents.
The storm has had an unimaginable impact on millions of people, especially those living in the Carolinas. Over 1 million have faced the choice to stay home and take their chances with the storm or compete with heavy traffic and leave their belongings behind. "Once you leave, (it will be) hard to get back in to check on damage, my home is all my wife and I have, materially speaking, a lifetime of stuff," said Tim Terman, him and his wife live in Bald Head, North Carolina. According to the National Weather Service, Hurricane Florence is bringing life-threatening rain fall to both the Carolinas and Mid-Atlantic states.
For the most part, I believe that this article was well written. Not only did it initially hook the reader, all statements were backed up with strong evidence from outside sources. The author also supplied readers with several visual demonstrations, such as: maps and several videos. The only critique I have is that all of the information seemed almost too spread out. It was hard to stay focused because it seemed like there was a new picture between every few paragraphs, which occasionally threw me off. Overall, I really liked this article and recommend it to anyone interested in Hurricane Florence.


  1. Isabelle, after reading your article I have to say I really liked it. One of the many things you did well was going into detail about the hurricane, i was unaware that this was “a Category 4 hurricane and officials have issued a warning for more that 300 miles of the coastline.” I thought that this information was very important and a good addition to your review. Another thing you did very well was showing the impact it had on people and that “Over 1 million have faced the choice to stay home and take their chances with the storm” I also liked how you implemented quotes from the people affected, “"Once you leave, (it will be) hard to get back in to check on damage, my home is all my wife and I have, materially speaking, a lifetime of stuff, said Tim Terman.” This extra point of view of the hurricane really helped show how damaging it is. All of these additions made your review an exceptional one.

    Even though you wrote a great article there were still somethings that you could do better. One of those things would be giving a suggestion to how the writer of the original article could improve their writing. I would say an addition like that would help make a better rounded review. Another thing you could add would be to go into detail about how much rainfall and flooding would be involved in this hurricane. With that addition your piece about the impact of this hurricane would have been perfect. These few changes would help make your article just a little bit better.

    After reading your article I can say that I really learned something. I have to say I never realised the impact of hurricanes were over such a large amount of territory. Because of this realisation I can make better informed opinions about hurricanes. This will also give me good insight towards what I might do in the event of a hurricane. Over all this article has greatly improved my knowledge not only about hurricane florence but hurricanes in general.

  2. My fellow student Isabelle Beit did read and reviewed an article on how hurricane Florence has strengthened and how people are now being evacuated from the East coast. Isabelle explains the stressfulness of the situation in the SouthEast coast very well and shows how dangerous a situation this is. The stressfulness is really important to point out because these hurricanes are seeming to come all the time and I fell that if you don’t stress how bad it really is it will take away from your argument. She brought in some important quotes which strengthened her review. This is important because it shows the reality of the situation and without showing proof of how bad it is it will weaken and soften the argument. Her critiquing on the articles writer was very good and interesting. This is important to note because without a good critiquing of the author then the review is bad because then the review is not a review.
    She could improve her review by adding more information because it seems as though this review shows me the crust of the whole situation and I would love to get more information about the disaster. This also takes away the strength of the review because not many quotes were included and this weakened it. She could also have less repetition because the information that she did include was very repetitive and basically would be repeated two or three times. This takes away from the authenticity of the review because it seems as though not much information was gathered and was instead just repeated.
    I did not understand how bad the hurricane actually was and how 1 million people decided to ride it out. This is a fantastic show of human courage because these 1 million people are facing off against a very intense hurricane. This changes my perception on the people that are affected by the hurricane because it's not like they didn’t know it was coming, and even though they knew a horrible disaster was on the way they still stayed and believed they could hold up in their houses.

  3. My fellow student Isabelle Beit did read and reviewed an article on how hurricane Florence has strengthened and how people are now being evacuated from the East coast. Isabelle explains the stressfulness of the situation in the SouthEast coast very well and shows how dangerous a situation this is. The stressfulness is really important to point out because these hurricanes are seeming to come all the time and I fell that if you don’t stress how bad it really is it will take away from your argument. She brought in some important quotes which strengthened her review. This is important because it shows the reality of the situation and without showing proof of how bad it is it will weaken and soften the argument. Her critiquing on the articles writer was very good and interesting. This is important to note because without a good critiquing of the author then the review is bad because then the review is not a review.
    She could improve her review by adding more information because it seems as though this review shows me the crust of the whole situation and I would love to get more information about the disaster. This also takes away the strength of the review because not many quotes were included and this weakened it. She could also have less repetition because the information that she did include was very repetitive and basically would be repeated two or three times. This takes away from the authenticity of the review because it seems as though not much information was gathered and was instead just repeated.
    I did not understand how bad the hurricane actually was and how 1 million people decided to ride it out. This is a fantastic show of human courage because these 1 million people are facing off against a very intense hurricane. This changes my perception on the people that are affected by the hurricane because it's not like they didn’t know it was coming, and even though they knew a horrible disaster was on the way they still stayed and believed they could hold up in their houses.

    Hartung, Kaylee. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East
    Coast.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Sept. 2018,
    Beit, Isabelle. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East Coast.” "SpaceX Successfully Launches Used Dragon Cargo Ship in Historic First.", 1 Jan. 1970,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Maya Brinster
    Biology C-Odd
    Current Events #3

    Hartung, Kaylee. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US
    East Coast.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Sept. 2018,

    For current event number three, I critiqued my classmate Isabelle's review on the article titled "Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee Us East Coast." Isabelle's review is very well written and helped me understand the impact of hurricane Florence better. Isabelle did a good job explaining the situation with the right amount of details, so that I gained a better idea of the hurricane and its strength. Her writing is also very concise and got right to the point without including unnecessary information, which is an important aspect in creating a strong piece of writing. She criticizes the author for doing the opposite of this and adding too many pictures, which shows that she learns from others' mistakes. Lastly, I really like how Isabelle used a quote from the article to support her argument. This makes her review even stronger because it shows that her statements are backed up by an authentic source.

    Although this is a strong piece of writing, there are a couple of areas in which Isabelle should improve upon. One of these are grammar mistakes. There were some errors where commas were either unnecessary or needed, and there were also mistakes in the tenses. However, this can easily be fixed with a quick proofreading, and is a very common mistake that writers make. I also feel as if Isabelle could have used better diction in order to make her writing even stronger. A simple way to do this is by looking up synonyms for the words that sound more elementary. Both these areas of improvements are minor and can easily be fixed.

    I really enjoyed reading Isabelle's review of this powerful article. It greatly impacted me, because it made me realize the strength of natural disasters like Hurricane Florence. In the past, if there was a tornado or hurricane located in places far away from where I lived, I didn't research it more or follow up on what happened to the victims or people who escaped. Because of this review, however, I gained more interest in both the natural disasters and the victims that were harmed during the disasters.

  6. Ben Mandanas 10/2/18
    Core Bio Current Event #3

    Hartung, Kaylee. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East
    Coast.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Sept. 2018,

    For this current event, I decided to read Isabelle Beits review of the article "Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee Us East Coast." This article covers Hurricane Florence and the destructive path it took through North and South Carolina. Isabelle’s review was very well written, it opened my eyes to just how bad this hurricane was. She also explained the current situation down there well, providing great detail. Isabelle’s article is short and gets to the point, by doing this it keeps the reader hooked and interested to what will come next in her review. Finally, she gives excellent background knowledge of what is happening in the Carolinas in her first paragraph.
    Though Isabelle’s review was very well written there are a couple of common errors many people make in their writing. For example, Isabelle’s grammar, she didn’t have commas where they should have been; also she was missing commas in other places. Adding on to that fact, she did not vary her sentence structure making the review a little boring to read after a while. Lastly, she could have told us more about the size of the hurricane, the strength of the winds, and the amount of flooding that is predicted.
    Overall, Isabelle’s review of "Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee Us East Coast." was delightful to read. One thing that I learned from her review is the impact of natural disasters, big or small. They have a significant effect on society, displacing people from their homes for weeks at a time. Also, the amount of money it takes to repair everything that is lost, destroyed, or damaged. In conclusion, her review was very well written.

  7. Teddy Wardell 10/2/18
    Bio C ODD Current Event

    Hartung, Kaylee. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East
    Coast.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Sept. 2018,

    Today I will discuss Isabelle Beit’s review about “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee Us East Coast” written by CNN. This article describes how Hurricane Florence is set to hit the east coast and have damaging effects on the people who live in the Carolinas. I think that Isabelle’s article was very strong and she did a good job. One thing that she did well was give detail about what Hurricane Florence was and how big of a storm it was. This made it easier for the reader to understand what Hurricane Florence was. Also, she gave lots of detail in her writing which made the article more interesting to read. Finally, Isabelle used lots of quotes from the article which makes it easier for the reader to get a better grasp on the article without actually reading it.
    Isabelle had a very solid article. However, I would have added some things to the text to make it even better. First Isabelle had some grammar mistakes such as missing punctuation. This could have been easily fixed by proof reading the paper or using an application like grammarly to check the work. Another, thing that I would have changed is having a bit more explanation in the final paragraph. This would help the reader understand why you liked or disliked certain aspects of the article.
    I learned a lot of things from the article. I loved to learn about how large the hurricane was and how it was a category 4 hurricane. Overall, I thought that this article was very interesting and well written.

  8. Nicolas Baror 10/03/18
    Core Biology Current Event Comment

    Hartung, Kaylee. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East
    Coast.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Sept. 2018,

    I read the Current Event “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East Coast” by Isabelle Beit. In this article, I thought her review was strong as she used evidence from the original article to back up her statements. She also gave details on the storm itself, for example, the category of the hurricane and where the storm was at the time of this article. I also liked how she used a quote from the article when talking about people choosing to stay or leave.
    Some flaws that I found with this review was the fact that she did not talk about past storms, which would give the reader a sense of how powerful this storm is. I don’t think this has to do with her but with the original article instead, but she could have done some quick research and told us about a couple storms that have passed before. I would also add the impact to buildings, services and landscapes to this article so the reader could get a better sense of the damage. But otherwise, I think her article is useful to people who know nothing about this storm. I really did not learn that much from this review, since I am tracking the storm myself. But, I did learn about some of the impacts it could make in the areas where there is a State Of Emergency. I chose to read this article because I thought it would give me a different perspective on the storm, and I think that is what both the author of the article and the review did.

  9. Isabella Bouvard
    Core Biology 10H|Block C-Odd
    Current Events #3

    Hartung, Kaylee. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US
    East Coast.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Sept. 2018,

    For this current events in particular, I observed Isabelle’s review on the article “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East Coast.” by Kaylee Hartung. This review really helped me understand the situation of hurricane Florence. Without going into too much detail, Isabelle described the implications/date of the hurricane in a very simple and understandable way which helps make the story very straightforward and clear to the reader. Although she states that she enjoyed the article in general, she also describes some of the authors mistakes which shows how she has very good attention to detail in some cases. The flow of the article was also something that stuck out to me, as the quote that she included tied the factual evidence that she wrote prior and shows that this really is an atrocious storm that such people are facing.
    Although this was a very well written review, there were some areas in which Isabelle could improve upon. Some of the punctuation throughout the review could have been tweaked, as the majority of the sentences in the first paragraph were short and needed things such as commas, semicolons, and even colons. By proofreading work, she could fix this issue in a very short amount of time as this is a very frequent mistake among writers. I also feel as if Isabelle should have not listed so many separate points together. She could have expanded upon each of these facts briefly, as I found myself reading the lines multiple times here so I could develop an understanding of what she was trying to say within the first paragraph. However, these areas are not as substantial as to the general understanding of her summary.
    Prior to reading this article, I understood that there was a major hurricane occurring within the East coast, although I never really followed up upon my knowledge of this. This article really helped me understand how this affected the people of the targeted states, especially around the storm’s center. Before reading this article, I never really took a great interest in hurricanes, my family has never really been affected by such storms as I do not have an underground basement. We also do not have many natural disasters in this area. While reading this article, I gained interest in such storms - their impact on both the people and the impacted area in which they take place. I hope to read articles as this one in the future.

  10. Kathryn Haggerty
    Core Biology
    October 14, 2018
    Current Event Comment 5

    Hartung, Kaylee. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East
    Coast.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Sept. 2018,

    For this week's current event, I read Isabelle Beits review of the article “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are told to Flee Us East Coast.” Overall, her review is very well written and furthered my understanding of the serious implications of Hurricane Florence. This article describes how serious this hurricane was for many people living in the east coast. Isabelle explained everything from the article in a very simple and understanding way. One thing that I noticed from her writing, was that she was able to locate multiple mistakes on the authors behalf and address them to the general public. This shows how attentive she was to the article. In addition, she used quotes from the given article to further her own understanding of what the author had to say. Finally, Isabelle gave excellent background information on her topic and was able to cover every angle of what she had read.

    Overall Isabelle’s review was very well written and in depth. However, there were a few mistakes throughout her writing. First, she had multiple grammatical errors and punctuation errors. This just shows that she did not read through her writing after she wrote. Secondly, I wished that she had provided more background information on hurricanes themselves and how they differ from each other. For example, the strength of the hurricane and amount of flooding that was predicted for this given hurricane would be nice information to have known. On the other hand, there were few errors and I believe Isabelle wrote a very well written review.

    One main thing I learned from her article was the huge impact that natural disasters, like this, have on societies. The fact that over a million people had to get up and move out of there homes to stay away from the danger of the hurricane shows how sever it truly was. I could not imagine having to leave my entire world behind and start up somewhere completely new. In conclusion, her review was very informative and I hope to read more of her reviews in the future.

  11. Olivia Conniff
    Bio 10H
    Mr. Ippolito

    Hartung, Kaylee. “Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee US East
    Coast.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Sept. 2018,

    For the current event this week, I read a review of the article "Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee Us East Coast" by Kaylee Hartung, and reviewed by Isabelle Beit. The article itself discusses the hurricane that occurred in August and September, Hurricane Florence, and the damage it caused when passing through many states especially North Carolina and South Carolina. Isabelle’s review was extremely informative and well written, it opened my eyes to just how bad this hurricane was. She did an excellent job of providing detail to keep the reader informed, but not bored, keeping the reader interested in what she has to say so they will read more, and making sure her review was just the right length, short and to the point, but not so short that there was not enough information.
    Isabelle’s review was very well written, however there are few minor things that could be fixed in order to make it even better. One thing that I believe could better the review, could be if she gave background information about past hurricanes, just to give the reader an idea of how bad Hurricane Florence really is. If she added this information I feel that it would have kept the reader a lot better informed as well as interested in the story. Finally, there were a few errors with Isabelle’s grammar, mainly commas. She was missing them in places where they were needed and that can weaken a piece of writing. Had she included the commas it would have been a stronger review.
    Overall, Isabelle’s review of "Hurricane Florence Strengthens as 1 Million People Are Told to Flee Us East Coast." was an excellent review that I enjoyed reading. It taught me a lot about the impact of hurricanes and how they affect people and where they live. They significantly affect society, forcing people to evacuate from their homes for weeks, even months. In conclusion, Isabelle’s review taught me a great deal about hurricanes and how they affect people, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
