Thursday, October 11, 2018

Ben Mandanas         10/2/18
Core Bio       Current Event 4

Gramling, Carolyn. “Here's What's Unusual about Hurricane Michael.” Science News,
10 Oct. 2018,

In the article “Here's What's Unusual about Hurricane Michael.” by Carolyn Gramling, she talks about the immense strength of Hurricane Michael. Gramling talks about the science behind what creates a supercharged storm, such as Hurricane Michael. Warmer ocean temperatures combined with moist air are the two of the ingredients to making a superstorm. Gramling also states why Hurricane Michael went from just shy of a category 5 to 3 and back to 5 right before slamming into Georgia. This is because as the hurricane exited the warmer waters in the Gulf of Mexico and entered the drier air around Florida, this caused it to weaken. Hurricane Michael slammed into the coast with wind speeds around 250 kilometers per hour (155 mph), just shy of being a category 5. Scientists, although they don’t know for sure, point rapid intensification of storms to global climate change and the recent increase of surface ocean temperature.

This article has a very important impact on society, it not only teaches people about global climate change, but the impacts of it as well. In the article, scientists have long predicted that warming ocean waters will have an impact on the type of major storms we have. This has a major impact on people's lives because this could displace them from their homes and they could lose family members to the increasingly dangerous storms. Also, this could have impacts on the national economy, storms can shut down important cities for weeks at a time, destroying businesses. Lastly, a major impact of not only the storms but rising ocean temperatures have been melting the polar ice caps, making the se level rise.

Overall, the article “Here's What's Unusual about Hurricane Michael.” by Carolyn Gramling, is very well written and has many strengths. Gramling weaves the science and numbers into her writing very well, helping the reader grasp the overall topic. This also lets the reader take in what they are learning. Also, she proves that rapid intensification of a hurricane is not a new thing, this helps convey and prove her argument. One weakness their was in the article was, Gramling didn’t include the affects the hurricane would have on Georgia and its surrounding states. This would have given the reader a greater understanding of the immense strength of a hurricane with wind speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour. Gramlings article needs little improvement, other than a new paragraph on the general effects of a superstorm like this would have on the region. Also, she could add how to prepare for one of these and how the U.S. could predict one in advanced.


  1. Will Murray 10/11/18
    Core Bio Current Event Response #4

    Gramling, Carolyn. “Here's What's Unusual about Hurricane Michael.” Science News,
    10 Oct. 2018,

    In response to Ben Mandanas’ current event, it help show me the danger we can cause to ourselves through the environment. Some things I thought he did well was his use of information. He gave the specific speed and power of Hurricane Michael before it hit Georgia. He shows howed the impact we have on the environment through global warming and how if we don't make a change these hurricanes will more frequent. Another aspect of his response I liked was the response because it helped give insight into the more difficult parts form the article.
    However, I think if he added more quotes into his response it would have been much better and intrigued the reader much more. Also, I would expand on the summary to help the reader understand and comprehend the idea of your response.
    FInally the article helped me realise the importance we have on our environment and the things that would happen if we don’t make a change. For example, if nothing changes we could see these hurricanes occurings much more frequently. The first way to help with these hurricanes is to start by limiting out pollution output and reducing global warming.

  2. Ben, when reading your article I noticed that there were many things that you did well. The first being, you thoroughly explained what the article was talking about. “This is because as the hurricane exited the warmer waters in the Gulf of Mexico and entered the drier air around Florida, this caused it to weaken.” You also added many statistics about the storm which helped the reader understand the severity of what was happening. Hurricane Michael slammed into the coast with wind speeds around 250 kilometers per hour (155 mph). I also liked how you described the weaknesses in the article you read. The weakness was because “Gramling didn’t include the affects the hurricane would have on Georgia and its surrounding states.” Over all these choices made you article well writen and easy to read.

    However there were somethings I feel like you could have done better. The first being, you left a white highlight on your essay. This made you words stand out in a awkward way. One other thing you could improve upon would be to use more advanced words to make your article review sound better. For example, instead of using “increasingly dangerous storms.” you could use “perilous storms”. Apart from that you wrote an amazing paper.

    When reading your review there was one thing that came up which I had never considered. That being the over all result of storms. I had never pondered their economical impact resulting from important cities closing. With this knowledge I will be able to make more informed decisions regarding storms. I will also start to plan my schedule with the weather in mind.

  3. Kathryn Haggerty
    Mr. Ippolito
    Core Biology
    December 10, 2018
    Current Event Comment 11

    Gramling, Carolyn. “Here's What's Unusual about Hurricane Michael.” Science News,
    10 Oct. 2018,

    For this week's current event, I read Ben Mandanas’ review on the article, “Here’s What’s Unusual about Hurricane Michael,” by Carolyn Gramling. This article was all about how Hurricane Michael was different than other hurricanes that have occurred all around our world in the past. First, in addition to the knowledge provided in the article, Ben provided extra evidence as to why this hurricane was so special. Secondly, he explained the more confusing aspects about the hurricane in his own words, allowing myself to understand it better. Finally, he found mistakes from Gramling herself and was able to fix the article more. Within this, I was able to see how talented Ben was in his writing skills.

    Even though Ben’s article was extremely well-written, I was able to find a couple mistakes. First, in order to make your article better, he could be used more complex vocabulary. This would make the article that much better. Secondly, he could’ve added more quotes in order to certify his claim over the article. However, these were the only main mistakes I could find within the article.

    Overall, the article really showed me how important the numerous details within hurricanes are. In reducing global warming and really looking towards enhancing our economy, we could lead to the end of these terrible incidents that kill our planet. In the end, Ben is an exceptional writer and I hope to read more of his reviews in the future.
