Thursday, March 11, 2010

Scientists See Fresh Evidence of More Water on the Moon

Chang, Kenneth. "Scientists See Fresh Evidence of More Water on the Moon." The New York Times 9 Mar. 2010: D3. Print.

NASA scientists have new information that leads us to believe that there has been a lot of water on the moon this entire time. Last October, NASA engineered a deliberate crash into the moon kicking up about 26 gallons of water.  Scientists have always suspected that water exists in the South Pole because of its larger and deeper craters, but now they are discovering that ice also exists in the craters in the North Pole. In addition to this water in both the poles, scientists have found that there is a very thin layer of water covering most of the surface of the moon.  This tells them that not only does water exist on the Moon, but it is also moving around.  In the North Pole, within 40 craters, each about one to nine miles wide, NASA has estimated about 600 million metric tons of water.  This water is guessed to be up to 90 percent pure, and the water from the South Pole is still being analyzed. 

  This discovery is extremely important because this water can be easily accessed by future lunar excursions.  This water can be used not only for just drinking water, but it can even be broken down into hydrogen, used for fuel, and oxygen for breathing.  Also, the Moon appears to be working in very unexpected ways, which lead researchers to think that other planets and their satellites may still have secrets that have not yet been unlocked.

  I liked this article for many reasons.  First, it was very well written and descriptive.  Also it emphasized the importance of these findings, so that people can understand not only the discovery, but also how it affects the way scientists look at the Moon and other planets.  This article was about an exceptionally important discovery that was just announced, and it was excellent.


  1. Julia did an excellent job reviewing the article "Scientists See Fresh Evidence of More Water on the Moon." It was very well written and had excellent details. I liked the way she gave examples of how the water on the moon could be so valuable to us in many different ways. She also explained that water exists in the South Pole because of its larger and deeper craters, but now they are discovering that ice also exists in the craters in the North Pole. Julia also mentioned, the water is guessed to be up to 90 percent pure, and the water from the South Pole is still being analyzed.
Although she gave good details, she could have described the ways in which scientists have been analyzing the moon before this deliberate crash. Also she could have told us more about why NASA went ahead with this operation because what if it had failed and the money involved?
    Overall Julia did an excellent job reviewing this article, and it really helped me understand the significance of the water on the moon. I was especially surprised how scientist could use the water on the moon as future fuel and breathing methods.

  2. I thought that the review about new discoveries about water on the moon was very interesting. This review was done by Julia Keating and it was in the New York Times. Some interesting facts that I learned from this article was one, scientists were actually finding out more about evidence of water on the moon, because I had no idea that there was even further research on that subject. Another thing that I found interesting was that the water could possibly exist on the North and South poles of the moon. A third very interesting fact was that the craters on the moon could hold so much water.
    Two things that I think can be improved about this review is one, the way that certain things are said. It is a little informal, and I do not think there is enough detail presented from the article. A second thing is that it was little too brief, and that there could have been more explanation involved in certain things.
    One thing I did not know before reading this review was that NASA was doing a lot of work to see if water has existed on the moon. It is good that this is still such a prevalent topic in the field of science.

  3. Scientists see fresh evidence of more water on the moon.
    I thought this review proposed good reasons for the importance of this article, saying that we could use this water to drink, breath, and as fuel on future trips and also that we know little about the moon and other planets. This first reason shows us a practical use that is futuristic and holds much potential. This second reason shows us how little we really know about the universe, which brings me to my second point. This review shows us how small and ignorant we are, that our own satellite, which we have had people on, had water on it that we didn’t even know about. Finally this article gives specifics on where and how much the water is, such as that in the north pole there are 40 craters each one 1-9 miles wide, or that there 600 million metric tons of water.
    However after reading this review I was quite curious about how this water was discovered, which to my dismay was not mentioned in this article. Also, although I did previously compliment the reasons for importance of this article, and I do believe they were good, I also believe they were quite short, and I would have enjoyed more detail.
    I was quite surprised to learn that there is moving water on the moon. This is very different from what I have previously known about the moon’s water and means that the moon could one day hold life, if it isn’t all ready and also, as mentioned in this review holds potential for future excursions and possibly even permanent settlements on the moon.

  4. What I thought was great about Julia’s article was that she went into great detail about how much water there was and where it was. I also thought that it was awesome that she explained how they discovered it. It was also great that she explained future uses for this water found on the moon.
    What I thought could be different was that Julia could have explained what was the reason that sparked more interest to find water on the moon. Another thing that she could have done was to tell us more about what other methods, besides the crash, they were thinking of doing to find the water.
    All in all Julia’s summary was very good and it taught me a lot of stuff that I did not know. For instance, I had no idea that since the water on the moon is 90% pure, that it would be good for drinking and making fuel. Julia did a great job with her current event.

  5. Julia did a great job reviewing this article. For example I liked how Julia said how water can help us here on earth. Such as the from the water on the moon can provide us with drinking water. In addition, it made me realize how little we known about our universe because if there is water on the moon then what other possibilities could there be. I also liked how she explained how the scientist found the water on the moon.
    I felt that Julia could have explained how the scientist were examining the moon before crash. I also felt that she could have said why NASA wanted to crash something on the moon.

    I learned that water is present on the moon and that it be brought to earth to be used by normal people.

  6. Melissa Imperiale 3/13/10
    Mr. Ippolito Response

    Julia’s report on “Scientists See Fresh Evidence of More Water on the Moon” by Kenneth Chang was very interesting. I thought she presented the article very well and she made it seem very intriguing. I liked how Julia started the article by saying how the scientists found a new discovery as well as providing information about the crash on the moon where 26 gallons of water was discovered. Secondly, I liked how she mentioned that scientists have always suspected that water exists in the South Pole due to large, deep craters, but now the discovery that there is water on the North end due to the ice that exists in the craters there. I like how she mentioned what the scientists have always believed and what they just discovered. Thirdly, it was well presented because she mentioned why this new discovery is so important. She said it is so important because the water can now easily be accessed by future lunar excursions, can be used for drinking water, and the hyrdogen can be broken down to use for fuel.
    The review was very good, but some corrections could be made. I think that the article summary could have been a bit longer so it could have gone into my detail about the new discovery. Additionally, she could have presented more information prior to the new discovery. She did include some information such as how the scientists always thought the water was in the south, but she could have also mentioned a little more information.
    I was impressed by the topic of the article as a whole. I did not know much about where the water was located on the moon and how much of it there was. Now I am more informed about the amount of water on the moon, location of water on the moon, and what the water could be used for that is on the moon.

  7. Julia’s review was very nicely presented. I liked how she gave us facts and statistics. We were told how many of the 40 craters on the Moon’s North Pole could carry as many as 600 million metric tons of water. Anything is always easier understood when you receive straight facts. I also enjoyed how Julia chose to review such incredible news. It’s really amazing how something we’ve known of for so long had water on it without us knowing. It’s crazy to think that we know so little about what surrounds us.
    Although the review was well written, if I could correct anything, I think that maybe it would’ve been better if Julia had told us how NASA went about figuring out how to find the water. Although, perhaps in the article Julia reviewed the information was never spoken of. I also wish that maybe some quotes were used so that I could see maybe how NASA felt about the operation.
    Without a doubt, the thing that I was most impressed by is the fact that we have lived beneath the moon and for the longest time we never thought that it carried water. It’s really incredible to think that despite all the things we have on this earth, we are an incredibly immature and naïve race. Julia did an excellent job of addressing this idea through the article she reviewed.

  8. Julia reviewed the article "Scientists See Fresh Evidence of More Water on the Moon" so well. She had very clear details and explained it in a concise way. I liked the way she presented the details of the article in a way that was easy to understand.
Her layout was clear, but she could have used different words in explaining it. If she had used different words, she could have reached a wider audience.
    Mostly, Julia did an exceptional job reviewing this article, and taught me more in detail about her article

  9. Julia's review was executed very well and was very clear and discriptive. She did a great job at describing the findings that were presented in the article and she also had many details about them such as the amount of the water on the moon and where it could be found. Another thing I liked about the review was that she gave examples about what the water could be used for and that was really interesting becuase I didn't know there was water on the moon initially and now that I know it can be broken down into hydrogen, used for fuel, and oxygen for breathing.
    She did a great job with her review so the only thing I would say to make it better would be to provide more information about what NASA thought was on the moon prior to these findings.
    I was really impressed with Julia's review and enjoyed reading it.
