Thursday, January 17, 2013


In the article “Childhood Obesity Linked To Wide Range Of Health Problems” by Catherine Pearson is about how our generation could be at risk of getting these major diseases. Its known to most people that known that childhood obesity puts kids at greater risk for high blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as diabetes and cardiovascular issues. A new study done by Neal Halfon, has found that obesity can also put children at risk for 20 other surprising health problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, allergies and ear infections. Researchers analyzed data from more than 43,000 children between the ages of 10 and 17 collected in 30-minute phone interviews as part of the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health. Evidence suggests that ADHD and obesity may both be due to "toxic stress" in a child's early years, which affects both impulse control and insensitivity to leptin, a hormone that helps control appetite. Researchers found ties between obesity and 19 indicators of overall health, psychological and social functioning and chronic conditions. But while the new research goes a long way in supporting smaller studies that have tied childhood obesity to other health problems, it does not establish causality.
            The bottom line is that this is not just a cosmetic disorder; it affects every organ in the body. There are physical consequences, and emotional. This talks about how the children are obese because of their habits. Some can be reversible, but they do have to be careful of what they do. It’s hard when they go to school, but as a nation we are going to set up programs that will help them (the obese). For the children who have been taken to far to turn back there are plenty of ways to help them. As a nation we must all fight against obesity!


  1. My classmate Vivian wrote a review on the article”Childhood Obesity”. It is a serious and widespread topic, but people still need to find better ways to solve it. In the review, Vivian showed how much she cares about the problem and children who have this disorder. She did a very good job to let the review have a voice. It’s also a well-informed review, including specific survey and numerous data. Vivian also did a good job on persuading the readers to care about the topic, especially in the last paragraph. She showed the readers her own opinion and make it a very powerful review.
    Vivian did an excellent job, but there’re also two suggestions for improving it. First, giving a link of the original article would be more respectful for the writer and more helpful for the reader to evaluate the review. Another suggestion is to organize the first paragraph. It would give readers a better idea of how many other problems are closely related to obesity.
    Overall, it’s a very interesting review, and I was very surprised by the fact that all these other issues are caused by or related to only one disorder- childhood obesity. And I really hope there are programs and plans that work well for these disorders.

  2. Vivian wrote a review on the article "Childhood Obesity Linked To Wide Range Of Health Problems". This is still a serious issue today, in 2016 and there is yet a solution to help these children. Within this review, Vivian explained how obesity can cause many health issues and expanded enough to get the message across that this is a serious issue that needs to be resolved. She also informed the reader of studies that have been conducted and listed accurate facts about them such as the study on 43,000 children between the ages of 10 and 17 in 2007.

    Though Vivian explained that there was a study conducted in 2007 for the National Survey of Children's Health, I believe she could have expanded more on what the questions were and what the study concluded. Also, I feel this review could be organized more, such as separating the studies and findings into a single paragraph. It seems that two paragraphs were merged into one at the beginning of the review.

    This review by Vivian Mroz is interesting to read and I was surprised that obesity can cause health issues such as allergies and ear infections, though I did know it could cause high blood pressure. Hopefully a way to prevent help issues caused by childhood obesity if not a solution to it is soon discovered.

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  4. Vivian wrote a review on the article "Child Obesity". Child Obesity is a serious problem which continues to be a problem throughout different generations. In her review, Vivian did a great job of summarizing the article. She included all the necessary information, but emphasized the main point. Also, Vivian did a great job at suggesting different ways that the problem might be solved in the future, including school programs that could help. Vivian also made a good point when she included the fact that the problems with child obesity are physical and emotional. By including this, she shows that the problem is bigger than what meets the eye, and the seriousness of the problem.
    Although this her piece is very well written, one element that Vivian could improve on is including her opinion of whether the article itself is written well, in a third paragraph. Another thing she could have included was a hyperlink of the article, as it would be easier to access the article she wrote about, making it easier to compare.
    Finally, I was very shocked to read that one of the main causes of child obesity is "toxic stress". This point was very relatable. I have felt stressed out in the past and had no idea that it could affect my appetite and the amount I eat!

  5. I read Vivian’s review of the article “Childhood Obesity Linked To Wide Range Of Health Problems”. This article brings up the medical condition that has struck thousands of children around the nation. The content of the article was much improved because Vivian was able to cite all of her facts from reputable sources. These sources include Neal Halfon and the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health. Another positive aspect of this review was how she was able to summarize the article in a way that allowed the reader to understand such a complex topic. Vivian was able to do this by describing childhood obesity with clarity, like when she described how it was more than a cosmetic disorder. Vivian also ended her review with a call to action, showing her passion for this topic and how more people should contribute to help fix this problem.

    Vivian did a great job on this review, however she has room for improvement. One example of how Vivian could have improved her review would have been to include a third paragraph about her thoughts on the article. Additionally, as a reader, I would have found it interesting to learn how schools were helping children who were obese, so readers could have more of an idea about how they could help.

    In this review I learned interesting facts about childhood obesity. The most intriguing fact was that obesity is not only caused by habit but by stress. With school starting, many of my peers are experiencing stress due to the increased workload and pressure of another year of school which could cause them to develop a life changing condition.


    Andres Saralegui

    Vivian R. Mroz wrote a current event article on "CHildhood Obesity" a current dilemma happening in the United States. In Vivian's current event response she did an excellent job at explaining the studies and outcomes done by professionals with what else obesity can lead to. With solid information like that I felt interested and absorbed in the review. Vivian also did an exceptional job at explaining the various dangers with not only obesity its self but obesity in children like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, allergies and ear infections. She also did a great job at showing effective results for childhood obesity like school programs that could improve their health.
    One element that Vivian could have done to improve her current event was to proof read her work, early in the review she says "Its known to most people that known that childhood obesity puts kids at greater risk for high blood pressure and cholesterol" She repeats "known" twice. She also could have hyperlinked her article like I did above.
    In conclusion, I was surprise to read that obesity in children can lead to "toxic stress" which affects both impulse control and insensitivity to leptin. I was completely unaware that obesity could affect these very important organs in our bodies!

  7. I read Vivian’s review of the article “Childhood Obesity Linked To Wide Range Of Health Problems” by Catherine Pearson. I believe she did an amazing job in writing this review because she intrigued the readers into reading the actual article by including statistics from Pearson’s work. Another thing Vivian did well was that she incorporated the hyperlink to the article in the words ‘childhood obesity’, so it was easy to find and did not interrupt her writing. Finally, Vivian’s second paragraph was well spoken and I liked how she incorporated her own opinion while backing it with the article’s arguments.
    While I enjoyed reading Vivian’s review, there were a few things she could have done to improve. First, she could have included a third paragraph where she discussed the way in which Pearson wrote the article, and whether or not she liked it. Vivian also could have elaborated more on some of the facts she brought up in the first article so as to summarize better and not confuse the readers, in order to have made her review better.
    While reading Vivian’s work I came to learn that both ADHD and obesity can be caused by excess amounts of stress. In learning this I was surprised and became more aware about the amount of stress put upon growing children. I chose to review this article because the first sentence was well written and this drew my attention. It left me with a new sense of how much children's early years can affect their later ones.

  8. Vivian wrote her review on the article, "Child Obesity". In this review, Vivian truly did a superb job of explaining the many dangers that come along with child obesity, such as ADHD, allergies, and ear infections. She was able to give us many different reasons why this issue is so harmful. Furthermore, I enjoyed how Vivian was able to give us a lot of information from the article to back up her review. She talked a great deal about certain studies that scientists did such as Neal Halfon's who found out that their are many surprising health problems that children could encounter during obesity. I also thought that Vivian did a great job of adding some of her thoughts on how to fight this disease. For instance, Vivian believes that setting up programs for obese children in school could help aid the problem that needs to be addressed.
    Although her review is great, there are still things that could be enriched. One thing I found that could have been better was her word choices. Instead of saying, “As a nation, we must all fight against obesity!” She could have said, “As a nation, we must work to abolish obesity!” I believe that she could have said certain things in a much shorter way. Also, Vivian did not add a link to the original article. I would have found it much easier if she had linked the article to her review, so readers would not have to go surfing the web to find it.
    One thing that Vivian taught me from her review was the hormone in our bodies that we call, “Leptin”. Leptin is the hormone that controls our appetite. I was intrigued when I read about this because I had always wondered how my appetite changes!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The review written by Vivian Mroz on the article of “Childhood Obesity Linked To Wide Range Of Health Problems” was thorough and overall very good. Vivian did a great job of expressing her own emotions and strong feelings towards to topic. Also, her writing style and use of information suggested that she knew the information from the article very well. Finally, Vivian did a great job of using reputable sources to cite her information. This, as well as her large use of information, creates a solid, trustworthy review.
    Vivian's review, although very good, has a few aspects which could be improved. First, a few of her sentences are longer than they have to be, and she could have used more concise words to reach her point faster. Also, the article which she reviewed is not linked in her response. She would need to add a link in order to make it easier to reach the original article.
    Overall, Vivian's review was meaningful and very informative. I learned that obesity put children at a greater risk for twenty other heart conditions. This surprised me and, along with the rest of her review, gave me a deeper understanding of the childhood obesity problem in our country.

  11. Vivian’s review on an article called “Child Obesity”,talks about how child obesity continues to be a serious problem throughout generations. In her review, Vivian summarized the article very well and got to the main point quickly. She also did a good job at suggesting different ways to fix the problem for future generations, one idea being to make a school program that could help bring the rate down. Lastly, she did a good job at showing the bigger picture of these problems then what meets the eye by including the fact that problems with child obesity are both physical and emotional.
    Although Vivian's review is very well written, there is some room for improvement. One element that she could have included is whether or not she found the article as a whole to be interesting or well-written. Vivian listed a lot of facts and drew conclusions from them nicely but she didn't say whether or not the article was important or if it expanded her knowledge on the topic. Another thing that I would have included is a link to the original article she reviewed to look back at and compare the two.
    Finally, one point in Vivian's review that shocked me was that stress is one of the leading reasons of child obesity. With school, homework, family and friend problems, I get stressed out a lot and had no idea how much of an impact it had on my appetite.

  12. I read Vivian's review on the article, “Childhood Obesity Linked To Wide Range Of Health Problems” by Catherine Parsons. This article raises awareness of the very severe medical issues that come with childhood obesity. Vivian did an excellent job reviewing the article. I was fascinated by her review because she was able to put so many interesting and precise facts in the it. She used specific data from many organizations and studies such as a survey from The National Survey of Children's Health. This writing technique made the review seem very accurate. I also really enjoyed how Vivian summarized the article. She wrote the summary very clearly, especially when describing the effects of childhood obesity, explaining the emotional and physical devastation. Another aspect of the review that I liked was Vivian's demanding ending. She makes the reader feel like they need to make a change when she writes, “As a nation we must all fight against obesity!”.

    I really enjoyed Vivian’s review, however there were a couple of areas in her piece that she could improve on. For example, I would have really liked to have known Vivian’s thoughts on the Pearson’s article. Next time, she should include a paragraph which consists of her opinion on the positive and negative aspects of the article that she reviews. As a reader, it would be much easier to share my thoughts on her review if she had included a hyperlink to the original article because I would be able to compare the two. In all of Vivian’s future essay’s with information from a source, she should include a link to access the original article.

    After reading Vivian’s review, I was completely shocked because I learned that childhood obesity is mainly due to stress. This is a very scary thought because I now know that stress can lead to obesity, which has several severe mental and physical threats such as dangerous problems in every organ of the body. These facts are especially frightening towards me and my peers, considering we have just started high school so stress is at an all time high.

  13. After reading Vivian’s response to an article called “Childhood Obesity”, I found that there were many positive things that were done in this response. One important thing that this article does is inform people about an actual issue that cannot be solved without people’s awareness. Through writing this, Vivian has spread awareness about this problem. In addition, there are many sources and are used in this article including the National Survey of Children’s Health. Finally, this response contains many facts and statistics adding more validity. One statistic said that obesity has a direct correlation with the development of ADHD.
    Although overall this response was very thorough, there a some minor flaws. In one instance, it explains that there was a study by a man named Neal Holfon that there was a correlation between obesity and other chronic health issues. There was no explanation of who this man is. In addition, it is said that there is a correlation between obesity and chronic issues, but it never says why the correlation exists.
    After reading this article, I learned how important it is to stay healthy and keep my weight at healthy levels. Not only will you have to deal with the physical problems that obesity brings, but other mental problems can arise if left untreated. From now on, I will continue to eat right and stay active in order to maintain my health.
